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Monday, February 18, 2013

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Old-school wooden rulers like these really take me back. I remember grabbing one from the big jar on my art teacher’s desk in fourth grade; it was always fun to get a new one and see how people had customized it with pen doodles, pencil etchings and various other markings. This is the largest design yet in Karen’s series of mirrors made from rulers, pencils and other everyday objects. I love the grid pattern and the brass hardware detailing, and I’m definitely of the mind that bigger is better! This is a wonderful adaptation of a simple material and a great way to admire these rulers as an adult. Thanks for sharing, Karen! — Kate

Time: One day

Cost: $350: mirror was recycled; the rulers, $85; nuts and screws, $95; and frame, $170

Basic Steps: I started with the actual mirror, which I had sitting in my basement  — a mirror that we took down when renovating our bathroom. It was a big, plain mirror that had those “Hollywood lights” above it (big box builder stuff). It was a big mirror, so whatever I made with it I knew was going to be big.

The Frame: The width of the frame was determined by the size of the 12″ rulers. The inside edge of the frame was routered so that the mirror could be dropped in. The frame was the most expensive part of the project. It was built with a “built-in wedge” (that later screwed into the 2 x 4s in the wall) for easy hanging. In the end, the piece weighed 110 lbs., so easy hanging was important. After the rulers were laid out, I decided where the screws and nuts would go.

My advice would be to always have a plan. Lay everything out before gluing and screwing anything down. I make a sample board before starting any project. They save hours and hours of time! — Karen

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